17 dic 2009


Known as organizers, the PDAs (Digital Personnel Assistant) they have turned into authentic computers of pocket into those who are not absent the last technological advances and versions in miniature of the traditional present applications in the PC.

16 dic 2009



To of the disc blu-ray is thinner only of 0,1 mm, instead of 0,6 mm of the disc DVD, for what the laser presents fewer problems to come to the cap that contains the information. The version improved of the DVD now imposes on itself in technological sector thanks to the advances of the optical technology that the investigators of diverse companies, under Blu-Ray Disc's name Association


The Core i7-960, as the rest of the family for socket LGA-1366, possesses four cores and eight threads of processing and puts to the sale with a maximum frequency with TurboBoost of 3,4 GHz


- terminal 3G.
- digital Camera of 7.2 megapixels and optical zoom of 5 increases with lens Carl Zeiss mas other one of video conferences.
- recording video to 720x576 and 30fps - GPS(global positioning system).
- tactile screen, of 3.5 inches and resolution of 480x640 pixels
- acceleration 3D
- recipient TDT
-Symbian S70
- reproductive Flash

4 dic 2009

New technology for mobiles

The sector of the mobile telephony does not stop growing. There are numerous the companies that devote themselves to develop new products for the terminals that increase increasingly the services and only the bureaucratic hobbles to reorder these services prevent an expansion much more importantly.
The mobiles advance to a frantic speed. It is not known if more rapid than the market or not, which yes is clear is that they advance ahead of the administrations. The certain thing is that the companies that devote themselves to make terminuses(terminals) of telephony only find the problem of the slowness of the administration to be able to increase his(her,your) business
Nowadays in our country we are exhausting the mobiles of the second generation or GSM. They are those who arose in the 90 as good Estefanía Galeote indicates in his(her,your) article dedicated to the technology of the mobiles. Nevertheless, every time it(he,she) is more habitual see mobiles than contribute new opportunities and services to the users (MMS or GPRS).
Nevertheless, the administrations of our country do not go to so many speed as any of the companies of mobile telephony that every day new terminals present. The fear of exceeding the market does that they put on temporary scales that provoke certain incredulity in the investors of these companies, who see reduced his(her,your) possibilities of investigation(research) and provokes what has come to name the end(purpose) of the bubble of the new technologies.